WIFI|노트북 무선 네트워크 기능을 이용해서 Wi-Fi Hotspot 만들기
2012. 11. 22. 18:02
Your Hotspot, Your Way - Connectify
Turn your Windows laptop into a secure Wi-Fi hotspot to share the Internet with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices.
노트북에서 무선랜을 미사용 시 Connectify 설치 하면, 노트북을 AP처럼 사용 가능.
Connectify Hotspot
- Turn your pc into a Wi-Fi Hotspot and share Internet with all your devices.
How to Turn Windows 10 into a WiFi Hotspot
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=HotspotName key=Password
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
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