어느 가을날의 전환점
JAVA|SAP Java Connector(JCO) 본문
* 오류 메시지 : Java Connector. "sapjcorfc.dll already loaded in another classloader"
SAP Java Connector(sapjco.jar)는 어플리케이션에 포함시키면 안되며, 서버 상에 하나만 로드되도록 해야 합니다.
<Windows & Tomcat Environment >
1. Be sure sapjco.jar is not included in the WEB-INF folder.
2. Put sapjcorfc.dll and librfc32.dll in c:Windows\system32
3. Put sapjco.jar in c:\Tomcat\common\lib
4. Add a reference to sapjco.jar in the project (In Eclipse: Project/Properties/Java Build Path, Tab Libraries, Add External JARs.
5. Compile and deploy the application. Generate War file. If ant gives problems, add proper command to find sapjco.jar (section <path id=u201Dpath.baseu201D>, <include name=u201Dsapjco.jaru201D>)
6. Load the WAR file in Tomcat.
7. Stop and Start Tomcat.
8. Run the application.
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